#1 FREE Online Mindmap app

Make your own free online mind map
Do you want to get started quickly with making a free online mindmap , please first consider why:
- If you have to learn (and remember) something yourself, a paper mind map is recommended.
- A digital mind map is very useful to process the learning material (again).
If you decide to make a digital mind map, a free app is of course the best. If the mind map can be made online (without installation and registration), that’s great. This is possible with MindMapMaker.
Create your own free online mindmap
Mindmapping in education

There are many possibilities to get started with mind mapping in the classroom. I advise you first to teach the standards to your students. (see above). In the upper years of primary education and in secondary education and higher, I recommend that the students also first make mindmaps on paper before starting with digital mindmaps.
This is by far the best FREE Online Mindmap app I have found.
Admitted, there are a lot of online mindmap apps. See Links in the menu.
One of the best alternatives is Coggle. ( free for 3 private mindmaps)
Admitted, some looks better and have more functions. e.g. Mindmeister (also 3 mindmaps free)
But, only a few are permanently free without paid update and upgrade plans.
I can’t understand why there are so much schools who do NOT use mindmapping as a tool to remember and present better. I think for a lot of schools are costs a reason not to use Digital Mindmaps. Even when school buys a school licence, students can’t use it at home. That is what’s needed.
Children like to use mindmaps to learn better. Students like to use a digital mindmap. They don’t want installation and certainly they don’t want to pay for.
How is it possible to promise this app will stay free permanently?
I am the owner of MindMapMaker.net
So I guarantee, I promise it will stay free.
To make this possible you will see Advertisements on the site.
Those advertisements generate income to keep up.
If you see advertisements you are interested in (only then!) , please click.
You can use an adblocker. In schools I even recommend to use it.
But, if you do, I appreciate a small donation.
There are four party’s who win by using this free online app.
- Users, they do not have to pay
- Google, has income from advertisements
- Business, to sell more of their products
- Me, I get the costs to make, upgrade and update the app.
Happy learning with MindMapMaker
What is a mindmap?
A mind map is a powerful graphic technique that appeals to the many capabilities of our brain. It is a simple way to retrieve and store information from our brain. Mind maps can be applied to many aspects of life. It is an effective and fun way to improve learning processes, to take notes, to structure information and to generate new ideas.
Mind maps consist of combinations of words, colors, lines and images (photos, drawings, icons, etc.). A mind map is a kind of map out of your head about what’s going on in your head!
They can help us a lot:
To see not only details but also the overall picture (one of the main objectives of systems thinking)
To display, talk about and remember a large amount of information in an organized manner
To think creatively about problems and solutions
To use our time efficiently
To better focus on the content
To structure our thinking
To have more fun and involvement in learning
In short: mind maps are wonderful learning aids!
Why mindmaps work
How mind maps work
The main reason mind maps are very effective in general is that they are closely related to the way our brains work. We have known more and more about this in recent years. One of the things that brain research has yielded is the fact that our brains do not work with “lists” when learning, but in the form of spiders: they are related in the large amount of information they receive. In fact, a mind map does nothing else.
In addition, the brain consists of two halves, each with its own functions: In education, we mainly appeal to the left half. This is partly because we are used to:

To use paper and a blackboard with lines;
To work with lists (laundry list thinking);
Especially to work with words (despite our visual culture);
To use numbers to create order.
This approach means that we usually only use one hemisphere of the brain. When working with mind maps, both hemispheres of the brain are addressed and a.h.w. connected with each other.
Left half | Right half |
words thinking logical numbers order linear thinking analysis lists | rhythm awareness imagination fantasy colors dimensions relationships |
We know that our brains think and remember in pictures. For example, when we look at a photo album or magazine, a lot of memories immediately come up. When we want to remember something well, our brain makes an image of it and then it is saved.
How to make a mindmap
There are many ways to get started with mind maps. It is very important that we teach the students to work with mind maps and not let them work with them from the beginning.
To be able to utilize the real added value of mind maps, working with them is bound by rules. In particular, the link between:
Drawings and other illustrations
What a wonderful software! I’ve always dreaded digital mind mapping, but with this tool it’s a piece of cake: and what a fantastic enrichment by adding images, links and comments! Big compliments.
I have just sent the link to the tool to all my teammates and I am going to use it in my teaching and recommend it to my students.
dr. ir. P.J.G. (Peter) Rauch
Associate Professor of Biology and Medical Laboratory Research
Saxion | University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands